Annual Appeal Update

Annual Appeal Update
The difficult decision has been made to not go ahead with our Annual Street Collection, which was scheduled for the 26-28 March.
Last year this Appeal raised over $28,000, with 100 individuals and 34 groups, businesses and schools coming together to help raise funds for Cranford Hospice.
Our CEO, Janice Byford-Jones, explains, “March is an important month for our fundraising calendar, and we are already feeling the pinch, as we know other charities and organisations are. However, the health of our volunteers and the community must come first, and with the rapidly changing community response to COVID-19 we believe this is our best course of action. If you’re able to, we would be so grateful if you can please pop a fiver in our ‘virtual bucket’ by donating online at”
On any given day, we provide support to more than 150 people living in the Hawke’s Bay. Most people are cared for in their own homes, with people being admitted to the 8-bed inpatient unit for symptom control and/or last days of life care. Each year we need to fundraise more than $3 million to ensure services remain at no cost to patients and families.