5 conversation starters with your family

5 conversation starters with your family
Hospice NZ has created a range of 5 ways resources as part of the #weneedtotalkaboutdying campaign.
Often it is hard to know the right words in situations that we don’t come face to face with everyday. These resources are based on our hospices experiences of caring for people who are dying.
5 conversation starters with your family
- The thing that most worries me about death (of me or a loved one) is… and this is what I can do to manage that worry.
- Talk about a time when someone close to you was dying. What was positive about that? What was hard about that? What would you like done differently?
- What does ‘death with dignity’ mean to us?
- If I could describe the type of care I’d like when I was at the end of my life, what would it be?
- If someone we loved was dying and we were offered the option to withdraw treatment other than to keep them comfortable, how would we know that was the right decision? Who would we talk to? Who would need to be involved in that decision?
Please feel free to read and share. It might come in handy for you or someone you know
5 conversation starters with your family