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We remain in good heart, because of your support. Thank you!

We remain in good heart, because of your support. Thank you!

Our community spirit fills me with hope and belief.  Hope that our community will recover stronger than before the cyclone, and belief that our thoughts and actions do change lives.

I begin by acknowledging the current loss suffered by so many within our community through Cyclone Gabrielle. Much like dying and bereavement, this tragedy has led to many of us being disconnected and isolated from traditional support networks and larger communities.

Daily we continue to hear stories of people who are motivated to take responsibility for and care for others, during their own deeply challenging times. It has been heartening to see our compassionate communities in action around the motu.

During my short time with Cranford, I have been struck by several things. Perhaps most importantly is the kindness and willingness to get stuck in that has been shown by so many partner organisations and volunteers, be they in the shops, maintenance related or around the Hospice itself. You have helped to ensure Cranford Hospice had what was needed during this National Emergency.   Things such as having electricity, clearing trees, and housing our staff in Napier during the floods are just a few examples of this care! We remain in good heart, because of your support, so once again a very heartfelt Thank you!

Let’s hope the sunshine holds for a few weeks so we can enjoy a calm autumn. In the meantime, please ensure you are taking time to be grateful for and appreciate the little everyday things.