$54 to help fund a nurse on our 24/7 phone advice line.
$104 to help fund specialist equipment to make a patient more comfortable.
$156 to help fund pain relief via a syringe driver.
$200 to help fund a patient receive around the clock care in our Inpatient Unit.
Bank Account Number: 02-0644-0262700-001
Bank Account Name: The Cranford Hospice Trust
Reference: Supporter ID
Particulars: Surname
Dear Cranford Hospice
It is a week since Mum died, and a good time to say an immense thank you for the care and support you provided in the last weeks and months of her life.
It would be hard to overstate how much your care meant to us. You provided the equipment we needed. You spent hours with us, making sure you understood what was going on, and what needed to change. You were tactful and sensitive when wishes within our family didn’t align. You helped assess when drugs weren’t working well and prescribed the drugs needed. You problem solved for us—blister packs gave us the solution needed and peace of mind. You gently prepared us for what would come, helped Mum to plan, planted seeds for what we might need.
Your support was quick, thorough and kind. (Jess [nurse], that catheter was a god send.) You were at the end of the phone when things changed, when I had questions. (Hugh [nurse], thank you for listening to Mum’s breathing with me. Rochelle [receptionist], thank you for transferring oh so many calls to the nurse.) You made poos happen. [Redacted content for privacy] You gave her a syringe driver, you showed love and care in your eyes and face, you returned with more meds, you told me I could call anytime. I felt held with both hands.
You were there on the phone when she died. You gave hugs the day after. You collected things quickly so there was room to get the space back to normal, so we could have a wonderful gathering to farewell Mum.
These are some snacks—a small thank you to represent huge gratitude. I imagine your job is one where a cup of tea and a biscuit is often welcome.
With much love,
Jenny and on behalf of our whānau.
PS…And Mum!
I could tell even at the end, she would muster her energy and attention to speak and listen to you. She had a lot of faith in your work and would have appreciated all the care and expertise and experience you gave her. xxx