Here you’ll find a list of frequently asked questions about this exciting project. As we progress through the different project phases, we will continue to update this section.
Who is Cranford Hospice?
For 40 years Cranford Hospice has walked alongside our community, providing care to people living with a life-limiting condition and their whānau.
Our team supports 200 people living with palliative care needs each day, in their own home, over the phone, or in our in-patient unit – from Mahia in the North to Takapau in the South. Taking a whole person approach, we aim to meet the emotional, spiritual, cultural, and physical needs of patients and their whānau through specialist palliative care, grief support and care planning.
When will construction commence?
We are aiming to commence construction by mid-2023.
How will the project be funded?
Thanks to an incredibly supportive community we have built up an endowment fund over the last five years, but we need to raise additional funds to achieve our vision. This will be achieved through a proven model specific to capital campaigns, involving personal donor outreach and community support.
Can I help in other ways aside from a cash donation?
Yes. We will gratefully accept gifts in kind including professional services, and discounts and donations of materials, fittings and furniture specified in the building plans. Also, if you know someone who may be interested in supporting the project you can help connect us with them.
What happens if you don’t raise enough money to complete the project?
We are committed to building a new home for Cranford for the Hawke’s Bay community to meet the growing need for palliative care. We are confident we can raise the funds needed.
Can I pledge my support over a number of years?
Yes. Your pledge is simply a promise to make a gift, and the timing is entirely your choice. Three years is a timeframe that works well for many donors and also for Hospice in managing the building project. You may choose to divide your gift into three annual payments, 36 monthly payments or another schedule that suits your situation. We are, however, open to pledges of more or less than three years.
What dedication opportunities are there?
For gifts of $100,000 and over there are specific dedication opportunities in the building and surrounding gardens. Please contact Alesha Hope to discuss (Capital Campaign Manager, 027 633 3917, Al*********@cr*************.nz).
Can I make a bequest to the project?
Yes. A living / declared bequest, or gift in will, is a fantastic way to be part of this exciting legacy project. Many people have the bulk of their wealth invested in assets, including their home, which may not be realised in their lifetime. After remembering family and loved ones, many people choose to leave a gift in their will to charity.