5 ways to talk to a child about death

5 ways to talk to a child about death
Hospice NZ has created a range of 5 ways resources as part of the #weneedtotalkaboutdying campaign.
Often it is hard to know the right words in situations that we don’t come face to face with everyday. These resources are based on our hospices experiences of caring for people who are dying.
5 ways to talk to a child about death
- Be calm, honest and straightforward. Use simple words like died, death, cancer. Euphemisms can confuse children.
- Encourage children to talk about it and how they feel. Check their level of understanding, repeat key information as needed.
- Reassure them that they are safe and it’s not their fault. Help them identify people they know who are supporting them and will continue to.
- Involve them in family events. Such as planning gatherings or memorial ceremonies. Encourage their contribution, however small.
- Invite Questions. Listen, then answer based on their age and stage. Bite size pieces of information work best.
Please feel free to read and share. It might come in handy for you or someone you know.
5 ways to talk to a child about death